You are cordially invited to the
Monday, Sept. 27, 2010
5:30-7:30 pm
Marriott Center City – Downtown Raleigh
Next to Convention Center
Sponsor Levels: $1000 - $500 - $250
General Admission: $100/person
If you're unable to attend, then please consider an online donation of $50 or $25 instead to help Wayne reach his campaign's fundraising goal for the year.
Make your individual personal check or PAC check out to:
The Goodwin Committee
P.O. Box 27841
Raleigh, NC 27611
Or, you may present it at the reception registration table. No corporate, lobbyist, insurance company/insurance industry, or business checks.
Or, you may contribute securely online by clicking here.
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If you cannot attend in Raleigh, you are cordially invited to the
Western North Carolina Salute toFor more information, go to www.waynegoodwin.org or call (910)997-1301.
Monday, Oct. 11, 2010
5:30-7:30 pm
Renaissance Hotel – Downtown Asheville - 31 Woodfin Street
Sponsor Levels: $1000 - $500 - $250
General Admission: $100/person
If you're unable to attend, then please consider an online donation of $50 or $25 instead to help Wayne reach his campaign's fundraising goal for the year.
Make your individual personal check or PAC check out to “The Goodwin Committee”.
Please either return your check by mailing it to
P.O. Box 27841, Raleigh NC 27611 or presenting it at the reception registration table. No corporate, lobbyist, insurance company/insurance industry, or business checks.
Or, you may contribute securely online by clicking here.
Take either opportunity to meet our State's Commissioner of Insurance.

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Less than three weeks earlier, supporters of Insurance Commissioner Goodwin will host a Triad Area Fundraiser Reception in Greensboro on September 23rd. For details, please go to this link here.
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Paid for and authorized by The Goodwin Committee. Not paid for by government funds or resources. This campaign committee shall NOT intentionally solicit and shall NOT accept contributions from NC lobbyists or insurance industry PACs. If any such person or entity receives notice of this event then it is for information only or is to be completely disregarded.