I have been privileged to have the trust of the people of the 66th House District and serve as their voice in Raleigh since I was first elected in 2004. As everyone knows, my family strongly believes in public service and the obligation each of us has to give back to our communities using our individual gifts and talents.
During my three terms, I have worked tirelessly for improvements to public education, a better court system, targeted economic growth in the District and rural North Carolina, enhanced public safety, and improvements to our elections process.
These goals will continue to have my firm attention and action as I complete my third term, which concludes in December 2010.
However, after much consideration, I have decided not to seek re-election to a fourth term next year.
Making my decision now allows others in Richmond and Montgomery counties who are interested in public service the time to weigh the very sizable commitment of personal and professional time, as well as resources, that it takes to be a member of the North Carolina General Assembly.
My decision also allows me to spend more time with my young children, and to focus on other personal goals and priorities in my life.
It has been a pleasure to serve the many kind, caring, and supportive people of my home. Although we are in the midst of challenging times, I believe that Richmond and Montgomery counties have a very bright future ahead.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give back and to make a difference.
# # #
Many colleagues, constituents and friends were quite surprised and saddened, yet understanding, of Representative Goodwin's decision.
As reported in the
Montgomery Herald:
Economic Development Director Judy Stevens has worked with Goodwin since she was elected and said, “I was sad to hear that Representative Melanie Wade Goodwin has decided not to seek another term in the NC House of Representatives. Melanie has represented the 66th District with distinction. She has always been available, responsive and sensitive to our many needs and requests. We knew we could always count on Melanie to support our efforts to make our county more competitive for economic development. I appreciate her keen interest in service to her constituents and the entire state. She will be missed.”
County Manager Lance Metzler echoed the same sentiments saying, “I can honestly say that I have been in government for over 16 years and I have worked with many senators, representatives, US Congressman and Senators but I have never had any as responsive, kind, caring and reachable as Melanie Wade Goodwin has been. She embraced the community and the community embraced her back. She will be sorely missed representing Montgomery County. Whomever runs for this position will have some mighty big shoes to fill!”
Goodwin has also won the respect of those that have been around the halls of the General Assembly for many years. House Speaker Joe Hackney spoke kindly of Goodwin saying, “She is the ideal citizen-legislator: well connected with her constituents, eager to serve them and trained in the law. And a young mom to boot. I am distressed that she has chosen not to run again.”
Representative Pryor Gibson has worked with Goodwin since she took office. Gibson, a former representative of Montgomery County said, “Rep. Goodwin is a class act and will be hard to follow. She is a tremendous asset to the people of Montgomery and Richmond counties and all of North Carolina. She has that rare talent to listen, sort out complicated issues, and then deliver real solutions. I will miss her and intend to continue seeking her counsel.”
The Richmond County Daily Journal also ran a prominent
front-page story.