Friday, April 4, 2008

Wayne's World Returns!

Yes, Wayne's World has been on a short hiatus as the rigors of campaigning across the State have taken their toll on all available time. (By the way, did you know that there is a small stretch of North Carolina actually west of Murphy, North Carolina? Yes, it's true. And I've campaigned there, right up and on the NC-TN line. Stay tuned for a later blog post with feature photo of me pointing to a sign that reads "Manteo: 563 miles".)

Over the last several weeks, in and around the 8th Congressional District there have been visits by former President Bill Clinton (at least 3 times by my count) and Sen. Barack Obama.

We've also seen a deluge of visits by more and more of the statewide campaigns, doing their best to grasp for the remaining air not sucked out by the presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, today I received an updated spreadsheet detailing the new voter registrations all across North Carolina. The 8th District is looking really good, in my opinion (though I wish Union County's Rs were not as prevalent).

And, coming up just 2 weeks from today are the Democratic county conventions in all 100 Tar Heel counties.

With early voting slated to commence April 17, I believe it's more than fair to say the downpour of candidates from federal to local offices in the 8th Congressional District this month will bring to a quick halt what had been a drought - at least of the political variety!

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